Sunday is August 12th. Sunday, August 12th , is the date for the Perseids Meteor Shower. Sunday, August the 12th is the day my son was born.
There are several events that come along in your lifetime that change you forever. The birth of my son was one of two major events that permanently changed me.
What I learned when my son was born was that I could do anything. Anything!
I had been told this all of my life by my parents but their perception of reality was suspect. Then after several miscarriages I managed to carry and give birth to this perfect little boy. I did it. I did it all by myself.
For twenty six years I had the honor of caring for and knowing this remarkable person.
God must have loved me very much to give me this opportunity.
So this Sunday take time to do two things. One, remember Andrew on his birthday. Second, enjoy the Perseids Meteor Shower - think of them as fireworks for Andrew’s birthday.