Here are a few pictures of Andrew with my grandmother Rubye Lee Jordan who everyone called Nonnie. She was the most wonderful woman in the world. Loved by everyone and greatly missed. When she died Andrew's father referred to her as the glue that held the family together. That was true but what she taught us has held us together still even though she's been gone for 14 years, and it always will.Our Nonnie was our example of what a good woman was. She loved Jesus and was a mighty prayer warrior. Gentle but uncompromising. She taught us all what it meant to be in a family both here on earth but more importantly, in the family of God. Her life was both a testimony and a witness.
She loved Andrew and he loved his Nonnie. Because Robert worked evenings Andrew and I went to her house every Friday night for supper and we had this little ritual we followed faithfully. We would set up our TV trays and fix our plates and settle in to watch TV. This was rare because for the most part my grandmother wouldn't watch much TV. But first it was Wheel of Fortune which we both loved to play along with. Then we watched Dukes of Hazzard which was Andrew's favorite and Dallas. She watched it carefully for any landmarks she might recognise. Gone from Dallas many, many years she could still pick out a few things that she recognised.
We'd return on Saturday to eat left overs and watch LoveBoat.
Those were precious years. I miss her so much. Sometimes it makes me smile thinking that Andrew is in Heaven with Nonnie, most times it just makes me cry.