(Ted Flores and Andrew)
This is my nephew Ted Flores and Andrew at Joel's wedding. Joel is Ted's younger brother. Ted has been very attentive to me since Andrew passed away. Although he lives in Florida he has spent every Christmas with me for the last three years. I am truly thankful for this, it helps to take the edge off. Each Christmas since Andrew's death Dana has had to go to work in the afternoon and with Ted here the house isn't so sad and lonely.

(Ted at age 3 and me)
Ted was born ten years before my son was. I had no other nieces or nephews for those ten years (Andrew and Joel are only a month apart in age). I doted on this boy and thought he was the sweetest, smartest and cutest little boy that was ever born. I laughingly admit that once when I was pregnant I remember getting very upset and crying (hormones - you know how it goes) because I was afraid that there would be no way to love anyone, even my own child, as much as I loved Ted.
He is still the same sweet, smart, cute boy (okay man, at 38 years old I must force myself to say "man") that he has always been. He hold a very special place in my heart and always will.