Someone said one time that Christmas is for kids, I don't believe that but I do believe that Christmas as we know it makes no sense without kids.
One of my oldest and dearest friends called me this evening to wish me a Merry Christmas. We talked for almost an hour and as we got ready to say goodbye she brought up Andrew. Her voice broke as she told me how she thinks of him all the time.
She went on to say that she could still see his smile and how when he looked at her she felt total acceptance from him. She said he had a look in his beautiful eyes of genuine interest in her and what she had to say. He made her feel important.
I had never ever thought about that but when she said it I recognised those traits in him immediately. It didn't matter if you were 3 years old or 103 he was the same with everyone. He would genuinely enjoy doing a puzzle with a child or going out with my friends for drinks. He never condescend to anyone. He enjoyed everyone he ever met.
Mychelle was right - he was the most loving genuine person that you would ever hope to know. I miss him so much, its just not Christmas without him.