He was due to arrive on July 30th, he waited until August 12th.
He was born busy. Always too busy to take care of the little things, that was him. He was born so full of life that he wouldn’t nurse. Nope, not hungry! I stayed at the hospital for three days, the nurse finally brought him to me and asked that I try to get him to eat but he was quite content to come for a visit and leave it at that. He was born not needing me, born pulling away and getting started.
He was the strangest and most delightful child. I don’t believe I ever heard him say he was bored. He was always playing. Always playing…..
He is a precious soul, always joyful, always laughing, always creating something.
He was good company too.
And best of all, he instinctively knew the magic of laughter. He had impeccable timing and could make a joke out of things that would have better left alone. Make you laugh at something that you’d be ashamed to admit to later. So quick, I never ceased to be amazed at his quickness.
Everything in him was quick…too quick…
He was born busy. Always too busy to take care of the little things, that was him. He was born so full of life that he wouldn’t nurse. Nope, not hungry! I stayed at the hospital for three days, the nurse finally brought him to me and asked that I try to get him to eat but he was quite content to come for a visit and leave it at that. He was born not needing me, born pulling away and getting started.
He was the strangest and most delightful child. I don’t believe I ever heard him say he was bored. He was always playing. Always playing…..
He is a precious soul, always joyful, always laughing, always creating something.
He was good company too.
And best of all, he instinctively knew the magic of laughter. He had impeccable timing and could make a joke out of things that would have better left alone. Make you laugh at something that you’d be ashamed to admit to later. So quick, I never ceased to be amazed at his quickness.
Everything in him was quick…too quick…
Reminds me of my Grandson also named Andrue (spelled funny though).
He was born August 19th and has the same bright sparkly eyes. It was the first thing I noticed about him.
Wonderful spelling1 I love that. Yes Mary, Andrew's eyes were incredible. He was an organ /tissue donor and oddly enough I was fine with that until I got the letter telling me they had taken his eyes and two seperate people had been given the gift of sight from his donation. I couldn't be prouder but it is such a hard thing to handle.
Oh Cara, how brave you are to be writing about it and how profound that his eyes still see.
I'm sure he's with you always though.
I'm a believer in the spirit life although, no amount of intellectual belief can take away the loss.
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