August 12, 1980 to October 23, 2006

Robert Andrew Romero

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way
by moonlight, and his punishment is
that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde“

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Although this isn't the most flattering photo of Andrew I decided to post it because its a great picture of him with his Grandma Nini (Adelina Romero).


Ron Morrison said...

My grandmother had eighteen grandchildren, was the illegitimate daughter of a famous English poet, and was the head of the family after my grandfather the surgeon died. I was raised, along with my brothers and sisters, by my mother when my dad died. I know all about strong women running the show.

Cara said...

Ron -
Its my personal conviction that each parent plays an irreplaceable role in the life of a child. When for whatever reason one parent has to assume both roles and does it well its worth recognizing.

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