August 12, 1980 to October 23, 2006

Robert Andrew Romero

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way
by moonlight, and his punishment is
that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde“

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Here he is in his blue footie pajamas holding a rag doll I made. This would have been right before bedtime. There's that smile again....


Ron Morrison said...

Nice pictures...I think the pain will ease...eventually. I hope it will. I really don't think that he would want you to lose all hope for a happy day now and then.

Cara said...

I have lots of hope - as bad as I feel, when I compare it to how I felt four months ago I can see how much progress I'm making. We're riding tomorrow and headed for a weekend party. It will be nice to get away and have a good time. Thanks Ron for continuing to visit -

naquaiya said...

What a beautiful boy and what a beautiful story. I say beautiful because you are incorporating your pain into your every day life, this is a beautiful act.

naquaiya said...

Cara, I just found your blog. I have been swamped with school busy-ness and now that this semester is just about over, I'm exploring my friends' blogs. I will comment from time to time but for now I can only read a little at a time because of the depth of the subject. Suffice to say, yes, we are kindred souls.

Cara said...

Naquaiya - Thank you so much for visiting this blog and for your sweet comments. This is my way of getting some things out of my heart and mind and into print. Its the best way for me to celebrate his life. I was truely bl;essed to be his mother.

sandy said...

So adorable!!! I can't imagine how much you must miss him.

Cara said...

Thank you Sandy - I miss him so much every moment of every day.