I dreamt about Andrew last night.
When Andrew first passed away I would beg God every night to let me dream about him but I never did.
Then as a little time passed I would wake up with a feeling that he had been in a dream but I couldn’t remember. I would just wake up with a strange feeling that was heavy with his presence so I knew he was there I just couldn’t give you any details.
One time I did remember seeing him in the background moving equipment like an extra in a movie.
But it has never been in my nature to dream about people I know. When I first moved to my present home I would dream almost every night that my former husband had come and taken me home. These dreams were distressing and constant for about a month or so. But mostly I seldom dream about anyone I know.
Now I don’t mean to step on any toes here but I don’t believe in ghosts. Well I guess I need to clarify that. I specifically don’t believe that my dead uncle gets to come back from the other side and visit or play trick on me by moving my deodorant. I don’t think my dead grandma turns on lights and my dead dog doesn’t push the screen door open with his nose. Do those things sometimes happen, yes, is it anyone I know, no it isn’t. And trust me; I’m practically an expert on things that go bump in the night.
So I don’t believe my son will ever visit me in my dreams. But I do believe that my mind will visit him in my dreams and possibly on a very special and rare occasion God may send me a dream about my son.
Last night he showed up in a dream. Possibly because I have begun to work out a painting I want to do of him, but for what ever reason, he was there. And this time I asked him if he knew he had a bad asthma attack and he said yes. Then I asked him if he knew he had passed on and he looked so sad. He didn’t answer me. Then, in my dream, I told myself to gaze on his face because I knew I hadn’t seen it in a while and that this was a rare opportunity just to look at him again.
And that was that. The next thing I knew I was trying to catch a shuttle with too many packages and ended up losing my purse. Actually I had a purse but it wasn’t mine and my keys were in my purse which was apparently gone…..
Such are dreams…..
i think that a month or two ago, joel and i were staying at my parents house. i woke up in the middle of the night to hear joel sniffling, and asked him if he needed a tissue. he declined and told me that he had a dream of andrew. it was then that i realized that he had been crying. he dreamed that he was hanging out with andrew but nobody else could see him. then someone told joel that andrew had died. and as they said that, andrew disappeared. it was quite the sad dream.
Michelle - Thanks for your comment, it means the world to me.
It made me remember something about my mother's passing 30 years ago. I had several dreams about her and in each of my dreams we would be talking or interacting and then all of a sudden I remember and look at her and say "Oh my gosh - you died" and in each dream she would just smile a dissappear.
So interesting to read this and it just reads like it was a contact dream to me. We had many when my mom died and then my brother. He even wrote my name in the dust on the piano..I know it sounds weird..but...!
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