I love this picture so much - it shows how at a very young age Andrew was pure joy. Always ready to laugh and be merry. This is genuine Merry Christmas -
Hope all of your Christmas preparations are going well - take time to love each other and make the children laugh - that's what Christmas is all about.
P.S. I love you all very much - Cara
Wonderful pic.
Thank you Ron -
What an awesome picture!!
Merry Christmas Cara, you mean a lot to me!! And I promise to get those stories and pictures to you as soon as things settle down with the holidays. Work has kept me very busy and I'm starting another business of my own as well so I'm short on extra time. I'm always thinking about you, Jamie & Andrew though! I love you guys, you being so sweet and open with me has made losing him a little easier... if that's possible. I hope you know what I mean!
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. "
Proverbs 3:5,6
" I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. "
Philippians 4:13
" I am the light of the world, " He said. " Whoever follows me will have the light of lifeand will never walk in darkness. "
John 8:12
Toni - thank you so much for your comments - hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. God bless you guys - Cara
Unusual baby. Not afraid of Santa!
He always was an "old soul" - prefering the company of grown ups to his peers. Thanks Mary -
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