Tonight I'm very very blue. Andrew loved Halloween. It was his favorite time of year. He loved the fall and Halloween marked the beginning of the holiday season. He wanted to be married on Halloween and have the reception be a costume party. Now that would have been totally cool!
Shortly before his death he talked to me about wanting to get married in a year (2007) and we checked to see if Halloween would fall on a Saturday. It didn't and he asked what I thought about having the costume party reception anyway...I told him it would be fine and that everyone would love it.
So tonight I'm missing Andrew and wishing the four year old Andrew was here so I could take him trick or treating. I also wish the grown up Andrew was here so we could celebrate his anniversary.
Happy Halloween & Anniversary Andrew! {{HUGS from Willow Springs}}
From the little I know about him from your posts, this would have been so fitting for him! Just makes sense he would have loved a costume party for a reception...gotta love that kid!
I hope your sadness has eased a little.
Toni - Thanks for the wishes. I'll pass the anniversary greeting on to Jamie. Lot of love - Cara
Sandy - Only my son would want to wear a costume to a reception! I loved that he was so weird -
Thanks Cara! I think about Jamie so much and wonder how she is doing. I was talking to my mom {who knew Andrew fairly well} and when I told her about this post she got a huge grin on her face. The first thing she said was, "only Andrew!" :)
When I worked at Pizza Hut with him, she was friend's with the manager so she was there a lot and got to know Andrew then. Once him & I were both at the nursing home here I was only old enough to go with certain people and NO boys. However, Paco was very different. I was allowed to go anywhere at anytime with him. It says a lot about a person for my parents to have trusted them then. They were quite strict and absolutely loved Andrew from the word go!!! Even the trip to Springfield him & I took wouldn't have happened had I been going with anyone else.
Sometimes when I feel so sad and miss him so much and just remind myself that at least I got to know him! So many people didn't so I'm one of the lucky ones. I got into nursing school and want to tell him so much! He'd be so proud of me for FINALLY finishing my dream!
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