Tonight they had his visitation and as an act of support I stayed through the entire two hours just in case she needed me. She doesn't need me. She needs her son to be alive again...I know, I've been there.
But as I sat there I had the opportunity to watch and listen. One of the most common things I heard was "Why?" The other thing you hear whispered is "Where is God in all of this?" Once you are able to breath again you realize that he was right there with you through all of it. This much I know to be true...I promise.
Here's the deal, we live in a sinful world where Satan roams to and fro seeking whom he can destroy. And the closer it gets to the end the more he steps up his game. In these end times he is playing very dirty.
John 10:10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Satan has developed what he hopes is a more efficient method for his plot. You know, he has read the Bible...just not all the way to the end. He is aware that we know from John 10:10 that he is a thief who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. But he mistakenly thinks if he merely rearranges the words we won't recongnise his tactics. Now he is killing first, then stealing with the intention of destroying. Here's what I mean:
Utterly meaningless death is plaquing our young people. I believe (and this is opinion not Biblical fact) that the devil is "killing our children" so we will ask that accusitory question "Why?" And since he knows there are no answers to that question this side of Heaven he's hoping and betting that we will dwell on the "Why?" and allow it to fester in our hearts. And by tricking us into questioning, and even blaming, God he has then "stolen" our Faith. That in turn results in our ultimate destruction.
But typical Satan - he lacks the patience to read the entire verse. Or maybe he did and is just in denial, who knows, but we know that through Jesus we have life to the fullest. A full long or even immortal life on a planet that is dying is illogical. The only real place to have life to the fullest is with him in Heaven. Much better zip code - trust me.
So whether or not you like the answer to "why?" it remains the truth. We live in a sinful world full of death but this world is not our home. Our home is perfect and waiting for us. And where is God during all this? He's right there with you, carrying your baggage through customs as you journey on to Heaven.
***Sister girl, polar bears do go south for the winter and Hayden just cleared customs...I love you.