August 12, 1980 to October 23, 2006

Robert Andrew Romero

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way
by moonlight, and his punishment is
that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde“

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Toni said...

Happy Birthday Paco! They don't make em like you anymore buddy!! I love ya & miss you SO stinking much!

Toni said...

You are always being thought about Cara! Everyday I say a personal prayer for you & your family! You made Andrew very proud. He talked about you a lot! I hope that I can influence my son the way you did him.

Cara said...

Toni - thank you so much for visiting his blog and continuing to remember him.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Anrew liked this song so much. But from the first day I met him, he absolutely loved listening to 311. In my heart I just felt like this song was meant to be played as we said goodbye. Strange that after almost 2 years, we still haven't even begun to say goodbye to the person who impacted all of our lives so much. Honestly, I hope we never get to the point of saying goodbye. Cause if we ever do then he's lost to us forever. And Andrew was never meant to be lost forever.

Cara said...

Jamie - you said it perfectly - he was never meant to be lost. And he isn't lost, just moved on without us which is very much like him actually.

Last night I watched the video you two made when you lived in that little white house. I couldn't help but think how perfect you two were for each other. I'm so glad you were with him all that time the very end...

sandy said...


You don't know me, but I know a few things about you Andrew. I know you have eyes filled with life (cause I drew them) and I know you still have spiritual eyes filled with vision....and I would so love to see what you see now...

Cara said...

Sandy - your post is so special to me. Have I told you before that Andrew was a donor and one of the things he donated was his eyes? His beautiful eyes - I am both proud and haunted by that.

sandy said...

oh Cara....I can kind of understand what you mean when you say proud and haunted somewhat by that.

I suppose if it was me, the only way I could look at it would be to know he is "seeing" even better with more clarity where he is at, and .... about donating them, well I don't know if I even know if they transplant them to someone else or use them for research. I've never thought of that before. Do you know?

Cara said...

Sandy - its a very interesting thing. I also didn't have a clue what they do with a donation of eyes. But the information they sent me said that one donor can literally give sight to dozens of others. Someone might need a cornea while another might need a different part. I have the option of writing a letter that would be forwarded on to the donor(s) and I gathered the information but stopped suddenly when a very bizarre thought came to me that stopped me dead in my tracks. As silly as it is, I couldn't get past the fact that Andrew's own eyes might be reading the letter. I know - that's crazy - but I can't help it. I think I might eventually but not yet. Andrew also donated his heart valves so thats another thing I'm proud of, but it doesn't haunt me like his eyes do.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I just love this song! It was sung in the '60's by The Four Lads and was on an album (dating myself) that my mama had. We played it to death!
The cartoon is great!
I hope Andrew comes to you often, in dreams Jamie and Cara.

Cara said...

Thanks Mary-