I dreamed about Andrew Saturday night. I was driving down a highway and Andrew was in a separate car following me. We approach an incline, it wasn't steep but a gradual rise. Still, I couldn't see over the top - no idea what was ahead.
I glanced in my rear view mirror and realized Andrew was no longer behind me. I panicked. Night was falling and I was unsure what to do. Go back and look for him but then I was afraid I'd miss him somewhere on the road. So I kept driving for a while but I started getting too scared so I did turn around and start back. I thought maybe he had pulled off to get gas or use the rest room somewhere.
I seem to remember pulling over at a run down truck stop of some sort and being freaked out as to whether to go inside or keep looking for him outside. Then somehow I had a call from him and he told me not to freak out but to keep on going and he's see me "over there".
I didn't like this dream.
But, it means that he is visiting you, and that is real.
Actually, I'm thankful anytime I dream about him. I get lots of positive impressions from my dreams about him. Thanks for visiting and reading Mary.
I like this pic of him...
Yeah, he looks cool here and I'm so glad he got to travel and see things.
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