If you are one of my faithful and beloved readers of The Zen you might have already read the comments attached to the last post from Lilli (BookBabie) and my response. In her comment she advises me to not overlook signs and coincidences as they pertain to Andrew.
She is right. Maria, my sister in this jouney, is right. Many have offered the same advice and they are also right.
Whether actual visits from my son or simply God's merciful signs I cannot say but I will tell you of a couple of interesting things.
On December 17th some time between 3:30 am when I had last looked at the clock and 5:45am when the alarm rang, I dreamed of Andrew. Okay, its true, I still can't bring myself to say he visited me in a dream but I know you will all understand and be patient with me.
We talked for a while and the dream ended with him sharing three things with me. First I asked what it was like "over there"? He said it was " _________ " and used a word I have never heard before nor can I relay it in any way. I can try to come close. I can try to substitute the word "awesome" but this is a pale and trembling version of what he said. As someone who collects words much like precious keepsakes I would give almost anything to be able to write this word - but it doesn't exist. Not over here at least.
Second I asked him if he would come back to us if he could. He was lightening fast with his answer of "No!" and seemed to chuckle just a little when he said it. And I could almost swear I detected a note of snobbery in his tone - as though I was a fool for asking.
But he did end the conversation by saying that he gets "a little sad sometimes" because he misses us.
When I woke up I immediately dismissed the dream as being of my own making but as I drove to work that morning immersed in a feeling I had never had before I reasoned that in the Bible there are references to people being given dreams by God for their edification or as a warning.
So maybe, just maybe... but then I thought about Andrew saying he was sad and I reasoned that there are no tears in heaven so it had to have been only in my own mind...and then I remembered that in Ephesians 4:30 tell me that the the Holy Spirit of God can be grieved , so maybe...just maybe...
Then this Saturday I met one of Andrew's very best high school friends who I had not seen since 1998. We met at a bar and sat and talked about Andrew for a very long time. It had been an unusually quiet night; I assume everyone was waiting to go out tonight instead of last weekend. Consequently we were able to talk undisturbed. In the middle of our visit a total stranger walked over to the jukebox and fed her dollar in the slot. She pushed a few buttons and walked away. I had to smile.
The song "RockStar" by Nickleback began to play. This is the song that Jamie picked out to play for Andrew at his funeral and it seemed so right that it was playing while Chad and I laughed and cried and remembered.
"...don't over look the signs or coincidences..." I won't, I promise.
So by way of wishing you all a Happy New Year I want to share something Andrew sent me back in November of 2004 when I was going through a very rough time. Andrew didn't include the authors name so I apologize to him or her but the wisdom is from Andrew all the same.
"We should never look back on the trials and tribulation of our life with regret or sadness for they are in some way, shape or form the things that make us immortal. These are the things that teach you about life and give you insight for the journey. Everything we experience whether it is a happy time or a sad time is a lesson on the path to being enlightened and knowledge we can pass on which makes us immortal."
Momma loves you Andrew -
Cara, I'd been doing so well with no tears lately. I have a couple of pictures of Andrew at my desk and I smile when I see them. I thank God for allowing me to know him & I enjoy it when people ask me who that is... so I can tell them just exactly who he will always be to me! But I've been feeling exceptionally heavy & sad lately. It's these times that Paco would have had the wisdom & quirky comments to make me feel better and then I seem to get even heavier knowing I can't ask him. I look forward to opening my internet because your page is there and this picture, this entry... it needed to be there Cara! I'm crying but I needed to hear exactly what you said-- and I did!! I heard every word of it so for that, thank you!! Thank you Andrew!
I also wanted to tell you that this weekend I found a picture that Andrew colored & gave me at the nursing home. It looks like it's been photocopied out of a book, it's a clown. I know when I did crafts at the nursing home we sometimes had things like that for the residents so I don't know if it's something he did at work or if he did this at home. I am so mad at myself for not being able to remember the circumstances surrounding it but I remember him giving it to me at the picnic table in the back where everyone would take a break.
Anyway, it's a clown crying & it says "We're all clowns! When loves involved."
I’m so angry with myself, how could I forget what was going on when he gave it to me but I did and I’m sorry! I know he was having a bad day but I cannot remember why. It’s so special to me, it’s also hanging at my desk but I would be happy to give it to you if you’d like to have it. He was my best friend…but he was your son!
Love you!
Toni- Thank you a million times over for your comment. I love hearing from Andrew's friends. This is the funny thing about your children - as the mother you think you know all about them - but I have learned that there are many people out there that know my son as an adult, independant being. Its totally weird.
I would love to have copies of anything you might want to share but I want you to keep the originals that he gave you. Andrew wanted you to have them and he wouldn't want anyone to take them away no matter what.
Before he dated Jamie he dated a girl named Katie. The break up was very hard on him, I'll bet this was when he gave you the picture. I have a lot of his personal writings from that time and they are all pretty painful.
He was do deep and so sensitive - what a loss for this world.
Thanks again Toni - hope you all have a great 2008.
Wow, excellent quote Cara and what a thoughtful son you have to share it with you when you needed it. I'm so glad you accept those little nudges we all get but often ignore. Wouldn't it be great if we all kept a journal of those so-called coincidences, what a wonderful collection of lessons that would be:)
You are absolutly right Lilli -
I think this blog has turned out to be my journal, I just need to be more open to onserving these signs. Thanks for visiting.
Cara, what a great post and having been in the situation many times with signs from loved ones gone on, I totally believe it.
Wishing you a great new year.
Thank you Sandy - it mean so much to me that you drop in and visit The Zen - I have recently been inspired to do a totaly different type of art piece and am starting to play around with this - hopefully I'll be able to post it on my other blog before long - if it works - its based on my son's love of stars...we'll see.
I really like coming here Cara. I guess I feel I get to know your wonderful son, through your posts. I admire that you can still go on and actually think of painting. Good for you. I stopped by your other blog and see you have begun to get inspired again...yeah!!! I have checked in over there, ...here and there...and was waiting...
When you put yourself in anothers' shoes....ouch, sometimes they are painful....all the best to you this year...
my dear little 4 year old nephew recently showed me a little stuffed kitty he has. He said to me in his clear little baby voice,
"Her name is Softie and she likes to think about stars so I made her a necklace wif stars." It was made of those plastic sparkly stars. It was so sweet I got tears in my eyes.
I enjoy the stories about Andrew.
Hi Mary - Thanks for continueing to read The Zen - ANdrew would love that. Your nephew sounds precious.
I really believe in visits in dreams. I take it as proof that the soul lives on. I'm so glad you had this dream. And the song....well..how apropos.
You know whats weird Mary - we have a local bar we go to, not all the time but when we go , we go there. The last two times I've been there no one will be playing the jukebox and after we get there someone will walk over and play that song and one other that had to do with his funeral. I think its too much of a coincidence.
Cara, I was rereading this post and the goosebumps have only gotten stronger, that's strange...
I feel he is being playful.
If I had hours and hours to write, I could share all the contacts I've had from my family,
including my brother writing my name in the dust on my piano, on my birthday, a few months after he died and when I left the room to go back to my home office, a photo in a frame of him, was sitting on the keyboard so I would know it was him...
just thought to share that...
it was a wonderful contact.
Sandy - now I'm the one with goosebumps. But you know what? Its uncanny the way his songs - two of them- get played side by side so often when I am out. Its like I'm being let know that he is still with me.
okay..as I was drawing him yesterday, I asked him to let me know if he was around. Now it could have been my own mind, but, I have never used this phrase in my life.
Immediately I heard "Ciao baby" spoken with kind of an exaggerated playful phrase emphasis on Ciao...and then baaabee...
I'm just saying..haha.
probably was me making it up but it came so unexpected.
spoken as a guy pretending to be cool...like if it was during a comedy skit.. hope I'm conveying this so you know what I mean...
Sandy - It wouldn't surprise me - he was such a prankster. I love the drawing Sandy - you are so talented. Thanks Cara
I'm just glad you like it! Wasn't sure I got it right.
Its perfect - especially the eyes
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